środa, 17 października 2018

The neurological illness of Friedrich Nietzsche

The neurological illness of Friedrich Nietzsche

Article (PDF Available)inActa neurologica Belgica 108(1):9-16 · April 2008 with 1,575 Reads
Source: PubMed

  • Abstract
    Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), one of the most profound and influential modern philosophers, suffered since his very childhood from severe migraine. At 44 he had a mental breakdown ending in a dementia with total physical dependence due to stroke. From the very beginning, Nietzsche's dementia was attributed to a neurosyphilitic infection. Recently, this tentative diagnosis has become controversial. To use historical accounts and original materials including correspondence, biographical data and medical papers to document the clinical characteristics of Nietzsche's illness and, by using this pathography, to discuss formerly proposed diagnoses and to provide and support a new diagnostic hypothesis. Original letters from Friedrich Nietzsche, descriptions by relatives and friends, and medical descriptions. Original German sources were investigated. Biographical papers published in medical journals were also consulted. Nietzsche suffered from migraine without aura which started in his childhood. In the second half of his life he suffered from a psychiatric illness with depression. During his last years, a progressive cognitive decline evolved and ended in a profound dementia with stroke. He died from pneumonia in 1900. The family history includes a possible vascular-related mental illness in his father who died from stroke at 36. Friedrich Nietzsche's disease consisted of migraine, psychiatric disturbances, cognitive decline with dementia, and stroke. Despite the prevalent opinion that neurosyphilis caused Nietzsche's illness, there is lack of evidence to support this diagnosis. Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) accounts for all the signs and symptoms of Nietzsche's illness. This study adds new elements to the debate and controversy about Nietzsche's illness. We discuss former diagnoses, comment on the history of a diagnostic mistake, and integrate for the first time Nietzsche's medical problems.
    Background : Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), one of
    the most profound and influential modern philosophers,
    suffered since his very childhood from severe migraine.
    At 44 he had a mental breakdown ending in a dementia
    with total physical dependence due to stroke. From the
    very beginning, Nietzsche's dementia was attributed to a
    neurosyphilitic infection. Recently, this tentative diagno-
    sis has become controversial.
    Objective : To use historical accounts and original
    materials including correspondence, biographical data
    and medical papers to document the clinical character-
    istics of Nietzsche's illness and, by using this pathogra-
    phy, to discuss formerly proposed diagnoses and to pro-
    vide and support a new diagnostic hypothesis.
    Materials : Original letters from Friedrich Nietzsche,
    descriptions by relatives and friends, and medical
    descriptions. Original German sources were investigat-
    ed. Biographical papers published in medical journals
    were also consulted.
    Results : Nietzsche suffered from migraine without
    aura which started in his childhood. In the second half of
    his life he suffered from a psychiatric illness with depres-
    sion. During his last years, a progressive cognitive
    decline evolved and ended in a profound dementia with
    stroke. He died from pneumonia in 1900. The family his-
    tory includes a possible vascular-related mental illness
    in his father, who died from stroke at 36.
    Conclusions : Friedrich Nietzsche's disease consisted
    of migraine, psychiatric disturbances, cognitive decline
    with dementia, and stroke. Despite the prevalent opinion
    that neurosyphilis caused Nietzsche's illness, there is
    lack of evidence to support this diagnosis. Cerebral auto-
    somal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts
    and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL) accounts for all
    the signs and symptoms of Nietzsche's illness. This study
    adds new elements to the debate and controversy about
    Nietzsche's illness. We discuss former diagnoses, com-
    ment on the history of a diagnostic mistake, and integrate
    for the first time Nietzsche's medical problems.
    Key words : Nietzsche ; history of neurology ; CADASIL
    ; hypothesis.
    Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (further called
    Nietzsche) was born October 15, 1844 in Röcken,
    Saxony, Germany (1). He is considered as one of
    the most influential modern thinkers of the last two
    centuries. He had and still has a major impact on
    many philosophers, artists, novelists and many
    intellectual and artistic movements. He is the author
    of many books like "Die Fröhliche Wissenschaft"
    ("The Gay Science"), "Also sprach Zarathustra"
    ("Thus Spoke Zarathustra"), "Jenseits von Gut und
    Böse" ("Beyond Good and Evil"), and "Ecce
    Homo". Nietzsche suffered from many health prob-
    lems. Ever since his early youth he tried to find
    explanations for these health problems and
    described them exhaustively in his correspondence.
    Eventually, Nietzsche developed a mental illness at
    age 44 and died at the age of 56. For a long time
    Nietzsche's illness was thought to be neurosyphilis.
    However, recently there has been a lot of controver-
    sy about this diagnosis, but a clear and definite
    diagnosis has not been established yet (2-5). In this
    paper, we describe and integrate Nietzsche's differ-
    ent health problems, we review formerly proposed
    diagnoses, we focus on the history of a diagnostic
    mistake, and propose a new diagnosis, explaining
    Nietzsche's illness. Both medical and historical ele-
    ments of Nietzsche's illness, and the focus on the
    historical and current diagnostic approach might be
    interesting for neurologists, historians and others
    who are interested in Nietzsche's life and work.
    Methods and materials
    Autobiographical data from letters, first-hand
    descriptions from relatives, friends and doctors, and
    biographical material were used. Nietzsche wrote a
    huge amount of letters and exhaustively described
    his medical complaints and symptoms. These
    descriptions of his illness are central to our under-
    taking. A meticulous overview of Nietzsche's life,
    including detailed medical notes by his treating
    doctors and some pictures reflecting his physical
    state at the end of his life, is available. We studied
    several Nietzsche-biographies to look for occasion-
    al references to his health. Finally, we studied med-
    ical papers on Nietzsche's illness in order to have an
    overview over past and current diagnostic difficul-
    Acta neurol. belg., 2008, 108, 9-16
    The neurological illness of Friedrich Nietzsche
    and D. DEVREESE
    Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium ;
    Department of German, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
    ties and hypotheses. The careful study of autobio-
    graphical and biographical data, using original
    German sources, allowed us to reconstruct
    Nietzsche's medical biography quite accurately.
    We are aware of the fact that a historical medical
    analysis may be an anachronistic historical exer-
    cise, but the method of analyzing historical accurate
    data using modern theoretical concepts is a com-
    monly used and necessary perspective and method.
    Hence a well described and documented historical
    clinical picture can be used to propose a retrospec-
    tive diagnosis, using a current concept of disease
    with proposed diagnostic criteria.
    Nietzsche's medical history consisted of several
    major problems including severe headache, visual
    difficulties, psychiatric disturbances, cognitive
    decline and stroke. We will summarize each prob-
    lem in chronological order.
    1. Headache. Nietzsche's headaches began when
    he was 9 years old (6). These headaches were usu-
    ally very severe and had a major impact on his daily
    life and later on his professional activities. They
    were almost always located on the right side, most-
    ly frontal and above the right eye, but also at the
    right hemicranium, and were typically associated
    with gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea and
    vomiting (7-9). Because of these headaches, he
    sometimes also kept his eyes closed to lessen the
    discomfort experienced from external light, sug-
    gesting photophobia, and he avoided physical activ-
    ities and went to bed (8-10). The headaches usually
    persisted for several hours or even days. We found
    numerous descriptions of a duration of these
    headaches ranging from 4 to 44 hours (9). Rarely,
    the headache was not lateralized and lasted for four
    to six days (11). We found no clear descriptions of
    possible premonitory symptoms, preceding aura or
    frequency and nature of the headaches. Nietzsche
    described his headaches several times as migraine
    and this diagnosis was also mentioned in several
    original medical notes on his complaints (12, 13).
    Summarizing, we can state that Nietzsche's
    headaches fulfil the criteria of migraine without
    aura as proposed by the International Headache
    Society (IHS) (14).
    2. Visual problems. Nietzsche's visual problems
    also started at young age. He mentioned them for
    the first time in 1856, when he was 12 years
    old (15). As a child Nietzsche often complained
    about "bad light", "tiredness of the eyes" and
    "episodes of eye weakness with altered vision" (16,
    17). He never mentioned complaints that could be
    suggestive for visual symptoms typical for migrain-
    ous aura. Nietzsche underwent repeated examina-
    tions by different ophtalmologists. They found an
    extreme myopia with concomitant insufficiency of
    the internal rectal muscles (18). Signs of central
    chorioretinitis (not further detailed) in both eyes,
    most pronounced on the right side, are mentioned
    once (18). Eye pressure measurements and ophtal-
    moscopic evaluations were always normal (2).
    Already at young age (before age 13) anisocoria
    was noted by Nietzsche's mother and by professor
    Schellbach, ophthalmologist in Jena (19). On
    September 28, 1876 the same anisocoria (right >
    left) was noted by Dr. Heinrich Schiess-
    Gemuseus (20). Forty years after the first descrip-
    tion, the same anisocoria was observed at the asy-
    lum in Basel and was assumed to be a new symp-
    tom and a key sign for the diagnosis of neu-
    rosyphilis (4).
    At older age (4
    decade), Nietzsche clearly suf-
    fered from fluctuating visual disturbances of the
    right eye. Eventually, visual problems occurred in
    both eyes. In 1873, Nietzsche described for the first
    time a sudden "weakness of his eyes" with strongly
    diminished vision and accommodation cramps of
    the eye muscles (21). Ophtalmological evaluation at
    that time confirmed blindness of the right eye. In
    1878, Nietzsche's vision suddenly worsened and he
    became almost completely blind. Apparently,
    besides his well known myopia and eye muscle
    insufficiency, Nietzsche suffered also from fluctuat-
    ing visual disturbances with probable transient near
    blindness. Signs of chorioretinitis centralis or chori-
    oditis were found by 2 ophtalmologists, Dr. Kruger
    and Dr. W. Vulpius, but were never mentioned by
    other ophtalmologists (22).
    3. Mental illness : mood disorder and delusions.
    In 1882, Nietzsche began to show depressive symp-
    toms with suicidal ideas (23-25). These symptoms
    recurred intermittently and in 1887 Nietzsche
    described his mood as a persistent depression (26).
    This depressive mood had a clear impact on his
    social and professional life. On several occasions
    Nietzsche expressed bizarre ideas that reflected
    delusions (27). In 1883, he labelled his own mental
    state for the first time as madness and in several let-
    ters he expressed his worries about suffering from
    madness (28-30). In 1884 he even described a visu-
    al hallucination, consisting of a profusion of fantas-
    tic flowers, twining round each other and constant-
    ly growing, changing in shape and colour with exot-
    ic opulence (28). His mental state evolved within
    the following years and at the end of 1888, the final
    mental breakdown appeared in Turin with manifest
    delusions and inability to take care of himself (31).
    At that time he was admitted to a psychiatric asy-
    lum in Basel, Switzerland (4).
    4. Dementia. Shortly after his mental breakdown
    in 1888, a progressive cognitive decline developed
    and Nietzsche succumbed to dementia in 1889. In
    January 1889, Nietzsche arrived at the psychiatric
    asylum in Basel, where dementia paralytica was
    diagnosed, also known as general paresis of the
    insane, progressive paralysis or paretic syphilis.
    Later on, he was transferred to the asylum in Jena,
    where professor Otto Ludwig Binswanger (1852-
    1929) confirmed the diagnosis of progressive paral-
    ysis. In March 1890, Nietzsche's mother decided to
    take care of her son and he left the asylum in Jena.
    In 1891, severe memory problems evolved, togeth-
    er with apathy, irritability, behavioural disorders,
    lack of insight, aggression, change of character and
    personality, loss of self-control, regression (with
    childish interest and thoughts), increasing delusions
    and prosopagnosia (4, 32). His mental disorder at
    that time fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for demen-
    tia (DSM-IV), with severe memory problems,
    involvement of other higher cortical functions and a
    major impact on his activities in daily life and on
    his professional activities (33).
    5. Stroke. In the last years of his life Nietzsche
    developed several acute neurological symptoms
    with speech disturbances, probably evolving to
    anarthria, and facial paresis (2, 34). These symp-
    toms are very likely to have been caused by stroke
    episodes. Several descriptions mentioned the occur-
    rence of such acute episodes with focal neurologi-
    cal deficits (e.g. facial nerve paresis) (34). At the
    end of his life, Nietzsche was bedridden and clear-
    ly suffered from a left hemiparesis or hemiplegia.
    Several photographs from 1899 clearly show
    Nietzsche in a bedridden state, with a paresis of the
    left hemisoma with flexion of the left arm, suggest-
    ing pyramidal involvement (see figures 1 and 2).
    This left hemiplegia is most likely to have been
    caused by a vascular lesion or stroke. Diagnosis of
    stroke at the end of his life was already reported by
    Podach in 1931 (8).
    6. Pneumonia & death. In the last years of his
    life, Nietzsche was bedridden and totally dependent
    from his relatives for his activities of daily living.
    On August 25 1900, at the age of 56, he finally died
    from pneumonia, probably secondary to a final
    stroke (4, 8). There are no post mortem data avail-
    able and an autopsy has never been performed (4).
    On several occasions Nietzsche compared his ill-
    ness to his father's (35). During his life, Carl
    Ludwig Nietzsche (1813-1849), a Lutheran priest,
    suffered from several episodes of depression.
    Starting in 1846, epileptic seizures occurred (with
    staring, inability to communicate, and postictal
    amnesia). At that time he also had severe attacks of
    headache, mostly at the left frontal side of his head,
    together with nausea and vomiting, and lasting
    more or less one day. When an attack of headache
    appeared, most of the time he went to bed and when
    he woke up, the headache had almost disappeared.
    These characteristics point at migraine as probable
    cause of the headache (15). When Friedrich
    Nietzsche was 4
    years old, his father died at the
    age of 36 years after a two years of mental illness
    ("Nervenabspannung" (tiredness of the nerves) and
    "Gehirnaffektion" (brain disorder)), followed by
    increasing "Abzehrung" (wasting), speech prob-
    lems ending in aphasia, which prevented him from
    doing his job as a priest, and visual loss (1, 36). At
    that time he was already completely bedridden.
    Eventually, Nietzsche's father died on July 30,
    1849. An autopsy was performed and revealed
    that a quarter of the brain was affected by
    "softening" ("Gehirnerweichung"), probably of
    vasculo-ischemic origin (37).
    Nietzsche's mother, Franziska Oehler, did not
    suffer from major health problems, except some
    abdominal troubles, and she died from abdominal
    cancer in 1897 at the age of 70. Franziska's relatives
    did not suffer from major health problems. She had
    one brother, Theobald, who committed suicide (1).
    Nietzsche's little brother Joseph died at the age of
    almost 2 years (1848-1850) after an acute illness
    with general malaise and seizures. Friedrich
    Nietzsche's sister, Elisabeth, died at the age of
    89 years and didn't suffer from serious health prob-
    lems during her life. Carl Ludwig Nietzsche had
    2 sisters, Rosalia and Auguste. Rosalia was
    FIGS. 1 and 2. — Two rare pictures showing Friedrich
    Nietzsche in 1899 with the clinical signs of a left hemiparesis,
    with adduction of the left arm and a bedridden state.
    Klassik Stiftung Weimar ; Hans Olde, may 1899.
    described as a nervous person, but none of them
    suffered from psychiatric illness (38). Friedrich
    Nietzsche did not have children.
    1) T
    For a long time Nietzsche's illness has been con-
    sidered to be a case of syphilis, and general paraly-
    sis (or paretic neurosyphilis) in particular.
    Neurosyphilis is often referred to as a tertiary or
    late effect of syphilis. However, the central nervous
    system involvement spans the entire course of the
    syphilitic infection. Different stages of syphilis can
    be complicated by several neurological syndromes
    like acute syphilitic meningitis, cerebrovascular or
    meningovascular syphilis, paretic neurosyphilis and
    tabes dorsalis (39). Meningovascular syphilis is
    often preceded by a clinical course of weeks to
    months before the onset of a clear stroke syn-
    drome (39). Dr. Houston Merrit, a leading twenti-
    eth-century expert on syphilis, showed that the
    onset of neurological symptoms had an average
    latency of seven years. Prodromal symptoms con-
    sisted of headache, vertigo, insomnia and various
    psychiatric disturbances (emotional lability or per-
    sonality changes) (40). The interval between
    syphilitic infection and symptoms of paretic neu-
    rosyphilis (general paresis, dementia paralytica) is
    10 to 20 years (range 3 to 30 years) (41).
    Early symptoms consist of memory problems,
    cognitive disturbances, irritability and decline in
    personal appearance. This stage is followed by
    intellectual decline ending in progressive dementia.
    A great diversity of psychiatric symptoms may
    occur, including psychotic signs with delusional
    symptoms (39). Merritt identified five typical clini-
    cal signs of paretic syphilis : an expressionless face,
    hyperactive tendon reflexes, tremor of facial mus-
    cles and tongue, problems with handwriting due to
    intention tremor and dysarthria with slurred
    speech (42). The full clinical picture includes
    dementia, dysarthria, myoclonic jerks, action
    tremor, seizures, hyperreflexia, Babinski signs and
    Argyll-Robertson pupils. Eventually, a bedridden
    state and diverse, focal neurological symptoms may
    develop. Without treatment there is a progressive
    mental breakdown and death occurs within 3 to
    4 years (39).
    In his paper on Nietzsche's dementia, Leonard
    Sax gave a good overview of the arguments pro and
    contra syphilis as the cause of Nietzsche's ill-
    ness (4). The diagnosis of paretic syphilis in
    Nietzsche's case was based on his asymmetrical
    pupils with a slow reaction of the right pupil to
    light, the appearance of bizarre ideas and grandios-
    ity, and the development of dementia (4). When
    Nietzsche was admitted to the asylum in Basel, the
    asymmetrical pupils were assumed to be a new
    development. However, Nietzsche's mother had
    already noticed that his right pupil was larger than
    his left when he was a child (4). This finding was
    confirmed by a professional eye examination.
    Several explanations can be given for the slow reac-
    tion of the right pupil to light. A pre-existing eye
    condition (e.g. Adie's pupil), a secondary phenom-
    enon caused by migraine, or a tumour pressing to
    the third nerve, are alternative possibilities. The
    appearance of grandiosity and bizarre ideas were
    supposed to be a sudden phenomenon when
    Nietzsche was brought to the asylum in Basel, but
    this assumption was incorrect. In fact, these mental
    disturbances were the culmination of a trend of
    many years (4). The occasional description of
    chorioretinitis could have been an additional ele-
    ment in favour of the diagnosis of syphilis, as chori-
    oretinitis can be caused by syphilis. However, there
    are many other possible causes of chorioretinitis,
    like herpesviruses, Lyme disease, and systemic dis-
    eases (e.g. lupus). The description of signs of chori-
    oretinitis remains unclear and has only been con-
    firmed once afterwards. At the end of the 19
    tury, the commonest aetiology for a subacute onset
    of dementia in a middle-aged man was syphilis, but
    Nietzsche's clinical presentation was not typical for
    paretic syphilis. Moreover, Nietzsche showed none
    of the five cardinal signs of neurosyphilis identified
    by Merritt. From medical descriptions made upon
    his arrival at the asylum in Basel, we can read that
    his facial expression remained vivid, his reflexes
    were normal, he showed no tremor, his handwriting
    remained stable and his speech was not slurred, but
    remained fluent (4). Upon his arrival in Basel,
    Nietzsche was supposed to be another case of neu-
    rosyphilis. Since his mother was not financially
    able to afford a first-class treatment with specific
    medical attention during his stay in the asylum in
    Jena, and since Nietzsche was not a famous person
    at that time (which e.g. was also confirmed by S.
    Simchowitz, one of his contempories who was
    among Binswanger's pupils in Jena when Nietzsche
    was admitted) (43), no specific attention was given
    to his clinical picture and it appears that the diagno-
    sis of neurosyphilis in Nietzsche's case was paid in
    spite of, and not because of, the clinical evi-
    dence (4). Moreover, during Nietzsche's life, some
    doctors already doubted the diagnosis of neu-
    rosyphilis. Dr. Muthmann, a psychiatrist at the
    Basel asylum, concluded that the content of
    Nietzsche's notebooks were sufficient evidence to
    reject the diagnosis of progressive paralysis due to
    syphilis (2). Sax describes four important features
    of Nietzsche's clinical presentation that are not
    accounted for, or even contradict, the diagnosis of
    neurosyphilis. Nietzsche's migraine was not typical
    for the headaches caused by neurosyphilis, which
    normally precede the general collapse by a few days
    to a few months. In Nietzsche's case there is a peri-
    od of 35 years between the onset of migraine at the
    age of nine and the general collapse at the age of 44.
    Nietzsche's length of life after his collapse was also
    unusually long (12 years) for patients with neu-
    rosyphilis. The laterality of Nietzsche's symptoms
    with right-sided headaches, speech problems and
    hemiparesis of his left side are also atypical for neu-
    rosyphilis, which generally affects both cerebral
    hemispheres with generalized and bilateral signs
    and symptoms. It has been suggested that perhaps
    the most important elements that make the neu-
    rosyphilis-hypothesis questionable are the lack of
    evidence that Nietzsche has been in a situation
    where he could have been infected with Treponema
    pallidum, and the lack of diagnostic evidence that
    Nietzsche actually suffered from syphilis (4).
    2) A
    Alternative diagnoses explaining Nietzsche's
    medical health problems have been proposed in the
    past. Sax proposed a retrobulbar meningioma of the
    right optic nerve, underlying the right frontal lobe
    of the brain as most likely diagnosis (4). This
    hypothesis was based upon the slow progression of
    the symptoms, the association of visual and psychi-
    atric symptoms (including visual phosphenes), and
    the co-occurrence of migrainous headaches and the
    retinal disease. However, the occurrence of focal
    neurological symptoms like dysarthria and com-
    plete hemiplegia are very unlikely to be caused by a
    right frontal meningioma.
    Cybulska and Schain, two other opponents of the
    hypothesis of neurosyphilis, proposed the diagnosis
    of manic depression or manic psychosis as most
    likely explanation for Nietzsche's mental illness (3,
    5). Nietzsche's other medical problems (headaches,
    visual problems, stroke) were not incorporated in
    this diagnosis and were considered as being sepa-
    rate, unconnected health problems. Recently, it was
    suggested that Nietzsche's mental illness was
    caused by frontotemporal dementia (44). These
    alternative hypotheses do not consider Nietzsche's
    medical personal and family history.
    3) A
    Reviewing Nietzsche's different health problems,
    we think that they all could have been part of one
    neurological syndrome. We hypothesize that
    Nietzsche suffered from cerebral autosomal domi-
    nant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and
    leukoencephalopathy or CADASIL, an inherited,
    generalized small-artery disease caused by muta-
    tions in the Notch 3 gene on chromosome
    19q12 (45). CADASIL is characterized by a
    nonatherosclerotic, nonamyloid systemic angiopa-
    thy with a purely neurological clinical expression
    due to involvement of the small arteries penetrating
    the cerebral white matter (46-48). Clinically,
    CADASIL is mainly characterized by the associa-
    tion of migraine, mood disorders, ischaemic strokes
    and dementia. It starts in early adulthood and on
    average leads to death in 10 to 20 years (47).
    Rarely, the first stroke appears before the age of 30.
    The reported peak of stroke incidence is in the
    fourth and fifth decade (47). Diagnostic criteria for
    CADASIL were proposed by Davous (49). To
    accept the diagnosis of probable CADASIL five cri-
    teria are necessary : a young age at onset of symp-
    toms (< 50 years), presence of at least two of the
    four major neurological features (migraine, stroke-
    like episodes, major mood disturbances and subcor-
    tical dementia), the absence of any vascular risk
    factors aetiologically related to the deficit, the evi-
    dence of an inherited autosomal dominant transmis-
    sion, and the presence of abnormal MRI imaging
    findings of the white matter without cortical
    infarcts (49). Exclusion criteria are : a late age at
    onset (> 70 years), severe hypertension or compli-
    cated heart or systemic vascular disease, absence of
    any other case in a documented pedigree and nor-
    mal MRI imaging after age 35 in symptomatic sub-
    jects (49). Nietzsche's medical history fulfils 4 out
    of 5 criteria, since there are no imaging data on his
    cerebral white matter available. In several reviews
    of major symptoms and signs of CADASIL
    observed at onset with related age, stroke and
    stroke-like episodes were the most frequent symp-
    toms, affecting 36.5% to 67.6% of the patients.
    Migraine was the second mode of onset in the
    CADASIL population (34.6%) (49, 50). When
    migraine was present, it was usually the earliest
    symptom, frequently beginning in the second
    decade (51). Migraine may begin even in the first
    decade, but more commonly during the third
    decade, with a peak around the fifth decade and the
    oldest age in the eighth decade (47, 51). Migraine is
    present in 22-38% of the mutation carriers (47).
    Migraine corresponding to the IHS criteria can be
    either with or without aura and may predominate in
    some families. The aura is often atypical, long last-
    ing or exceptionally severe (46). However, some
    reports describe the occurrence of migraine without
    aura in CADASIL (50, 52, 53). Davous even men-
    tioned a prevalence of common migraine (or
    migraine without aura) of 20% in CADASIL
    patients (49). Mood disorders are the most frequent
    psychiatric disturbances and include major depres-
    sion, manic depressive disorder, panic disorder, but,
    although not typical for the most common psychi-
    atric disturbances in CADASIL, also hallucinatory
    syndromes, delusions and even psychosis may
    appear (51, 54).
    The natural course of CADASIL is variable. It
    was shown that in CADASIL an insidious cognitive
    decline may appear and may start in the pre-stroke
    phase, before the first onset of symptomatic
    ischemic episodes, due to cumulative brain
    lesions (48). Cognitive decline predominantly
    involves frontal lobe functions with mental slowing,
    concentration problems, slowing of motor functions,
    disinhibition and perseveration (47, 48). Variant
    forms of CADASIL have been reported. CADASIL
    can appear as an isolated slowly progressive neu-
    robehavioral disorder with personality disorder, psy-
    chosis, mood disorder and eventually dementia over
    an extended period of time (55). In 10-15% of the
    patients, dementia even develops without acute
    stroke episodes (56). CADASIL eventually leads to
    death most often 10 to 20 years after symptom onset
    (range, < 1 to 65 years) (47, 50). Davous reported
    stroke as the most frequent primary cause of death,
    followed by bronchopneumonia and other decubitus
    complications (49). In another study on the long-
    term prognosis and causes of death in CADASIL
    pneumonia was the most frequent (primary and sec-
    ondary) cause of death (38%) (57).
    Although we are aware of the fact that most of
    Nietzsche's visual problems cannot be explained by
    CADASIL (e.g. signs of chorioretinitis), it is not
    impossible that the episodic loss of vision, which
    occurred at various times during Nietzsche's life,
    could have been part of CADASIL. Visual loss due
    to transient or stable ischemic events involving the
    optic nerve and occurring at a young age, without
    evidence for other cardiovascular risk factors, is
    considered to be part of the CADASIL phenotype in
    some patients (58).
    Some of Nietzsche's acute episodes with neuro-
    logical impairment could be considered as epileptic
    seizures (e.g. complex partial seizures). We cannot
    exclude that Nietzsche suffered from epileptic fits.
    However, this is no argument against our
    CADASIL hypothesis, since epileptic seizures
    already have been reported as an atypical clinical
    presentation in CADASIL (59). Moreover,
    Nietzsche's father also suffered from epilepsy,
    which could have been part of the inherited disease
    and supports our hypothesis.
    Besides the clinical aspects of Nietzsche's dis-
    ease, an important argument to our hypothesis is the
    family history. The similar disease history in
    Nietzsche's father may point at a dominant heri-
    tance of the disease. Unfortunately, no further med-
    ical history of other family members on the father's
    side is available. This lack of a complete and
    detailed family history makes it difficult to make
    definitive conclusions.
    The integration of these major medical problems
    (migraine, psychiatric disturbances, dementia,
    stroke, and possibly the visual problems), together
    with a history of mental and cognitive problems in
    several family members, and migraine with epilep-
    tic seizures and cognitive decline and stroke in
    Nietzsche's father, corresponds to the proposed
    diagnostic criteria of CADASIL and supports our
    hypothesis that Friedrich Nietzsche may have suf-
    fered from CADASIL. This disease entity most
    closely fits all of Nietzsche's medical data avail-
    Friedrich Nietzsche suffered from severe
    migraine, psychiatric disease, dementia, visual loss
    (possibly from a vascular origin), and stroke or
    stroke-like episodes. Based upon these clinical
    symptoms, together with the family history, we
    think that Friedrich Nietzsche might have suffered
    from CADASIL. Considering the proposed diag-
    nostic criteria, Nietzsche's symptoms meet the cri-
    teria of 'probable CADASIL'. This retrospective,
    tentative and speculative diagnosis integrates his
    major medical problems and provides a better
    explanation than former diagnoses proposed by
    other authors (3, 4). We are convinced that current-
    ly CADASIL is the best working hypothesis.
    Hence, the case of Friedrich Nietzsche might be the
    first well-documented historical case of CADASIL.
    The final diagnosis remains unclear due to the
    absence of any diagnostic instrument (e.g. imaging)
    at the end of the 19
    century. Theoretically, the pro-
    posed diagnosis of CADASIL could be confirmed
    with DNA analysis, even post mortem, although a
    typical Notch 3 mutation may be absent in the pres-
    ence of granular osmiophilic material in several tis-
    sues. Unfortunately, since Nietzsche did not have
    children, it is not possible to trace descendants for
    further investigation of our hypothesis.
    The authors wish to thank Benjamin Biebuyck,
    Hendrik Vantilborgh, Bart Leroy and Luc Crevits for crit-
    ical reading and making useful suggestions. They also
    thank Ms. Duyts for excellent technical assistance and
    the Klassik Stiftung Weimar for giving permission to
    publish the photographs of Friedrich Nietzsche.
    Disclosure : The authors report no conflicts of interest
    (financial or other).
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  • Kinley Roberts
  • K.E.T. O'Rourke

  • André Rangel Rios

  • ... To support this impression, there are several reports suggesting that Nietzsche had always been disturbed. The main diagnostic hypothesis for it would be Cerebral Autosomal-Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), raised by Hemelsoet et al. 7 . Anyway, for this complex personage, an ar- ray of hypothesis may be presented including the Lissauer' s general paresis with a protracted course as Krapellin 9 present- ed as one type of GPI (Box 2). ...

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    July 2007 · Swiss medical weekly: official journal of the Swiss Society of Infectious Diseases, the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine, the Swiss Society of Pneumology
    CADASIL stands for Cerebral Autosomal Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy and is the most common form of hereditary stroke. This disease has an average age onset of 45 years and presents with repeated strokes, white matter changes, migraine, and progressive dementia. CADASIL is caused by mutations in the human Notch3 gene found on chromosome 19q12. They entail ... [Show full abstract]
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    To examine the possibility that an intracranial mass may have been the etiology of the headaches and neurological findings of the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) and the cause of his ultimate mental collapse in 1889. The authors conducted a comprehensive English and German language literature search on the topic of Nietzsche's health and illness, examining Nietzsche's own writings, ... [Show full abstract]
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