| New Journals now live on the SAGE Journals platform | |
| |  | Educational Horizons Editor: Erin Young, Phi Delta Kappa International, Bloomington, IN Published in Association with Pi Lambda Theta, a member of the PDK International family of associations
Educational Horizons, the official magazine of Pi Lambda Theta, focuses on serving the professional needs of teacher candidates, graduate students in education, and early career teachers. It is published in October, December, February, and April. In 2014, the magazine received a gold Excel award in feature writing from Association Media & Publishing for "The Dance of Elementary School Classroom Management" by Pamela Powell. It also received five APEX Awards for Publication Excellence, recognizing its outstanding design and content. Also from PDK: Phi Delta Kappan Back to top |
| |  | ILR Review Editors: Rosemary Batt and Lawrence M. Kahn, Cornell University Published in Association with Cornell University, ILR School The ILR Review has published the top, peer-reviewed theoretical and empirical research on work and employment relations for more than 65 years. Published five times a year, the Review features international and interdisciplinary research that advances new theory, presents novel empirical work, and informs organizational and public policy. It is published by the Cornell University ILR School, the leading academic institution focused on the world of work. Back to top |  | Paradigm Editor: Sita Mishra, Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad, India The scope of publication encompasses all areas of management science including general management, marketing, finance, human resource management, logistic management, strategies, technology management, business communication and environmental management. It also includes related areas such as economics, statistics, accounting and operations research. Back to top | |  | Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences Editor: Susan T. Fiske, Princeton University This is a new annual publication that presents original research and scientific reviews relevant to public policy. This annual will allow scientists to share research that can help build sound policies, allow policymakers to provide feedback to the scientific community regarding research that could address societal challenges, and encourage the scientific community to build models that seriously consider implementation to address the needs of society. Back to top | | Kindest regards. SAGE Marketing | | | | SAGE Offices: Los Angeles: 2455 Teller Rd, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320, USA www.sagepub.com London: 1 Oliver's Yard, 55 City Road, London, EC1Y 1SP, UK. Registration No. 1017514 www.sagepub.co.uk New Delhi: B 1/I 1 Mohan, Cooperative Industrial Area, Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 India www.sagepub.in Singapore: 3 Church Street, #10-04 Samsung Hub, Singapore 049483 www.sagepublications.com Washington DC: 2300 N. Street NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC, 20037, USA www.cqpress.com MailRef: 4K68 | 1602979 | Mark O'Loughlin | | |
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